Contact Us

There are a number of ways to get in touch with us at Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. - The Heritage Group. We want to make it as easy as possible to reach out.

Fill out the form below to request a contact. We will either respond by phone or via email to get back in touch with you. It’s completely up to you.

Or, you can give us a call at 972-770-1502.

Or fax your message to us at (800) 915-0616.


Want to learn more about a home mortgage? Contact us to start your application.

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Remember — it is our goal to keep you informed and provide you with the best customer service possible. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments. We aim to provide personalized customer service, and it will start with our assessment of what is in your best interest moving forward. Contact us today to get started!